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In the news...
- Australia's native rat race began 5 million years ago, DNA study suggests. ABC News 03/09/2022.
- ‘Impressive rafting skills’: the 8-million-year old origin story of how rodents colonised Australia. The Conversation 03/09/2022.
- Monitoring genetic diversity will benefit nature and society. Australian National University 26/05/2021.
- La conservation et la surveillance de la diversité génétique, un bienfait majeur pour la nature et la société. INRAE 26/05/2021.
- Scientific tools could revert threatening genetic diversity crisis. University of Stockhom 26/05/2021.
- Conserving and monitoring genetic diversity will benefit nature and society. EurekAlert! 25/05/2021.
- GEO BON Genetic Composition WG publishes Science Letter on CBD Zero Draft Recommendations. GEOBON 16/03/2020.
- Genetic diversity is being overlooked, experts warned. Australian National University 13/03/2020.
- Global plan to protect endangered species 'overlooks genetic diversity'. Phys.Org, 06/03/2020.
- Global rescue plan for nature 'overlooks genetic diversity'. BBC News, Science & Environment 05/03/2020.
- Dragon Quest: Australia Kicks Off Search for Possibly Extinct Lizard. Extinction Countdown, Scientific American 15/06/2019.
- Why we’re not giving up the search for mainland Australia’s ‘first extinct lizard’. The Conversation 31/05/2019.
- On the brink of extinction: The Victorian Grassland Earless Dragon. Museums Victoria Collections 05/2019.
- Three new species of earless dragons discovered in scientific breakthrough. Riot ACT! 25/05/2019.
- 'Elusive and cryptic' lizard may be first Australian mainland reptile declared extinct. The Guardian 24/05/2019.
- Grassland earless dragons in Canberra a unique species: scientists. The Canberra Times 24/05/2019.
- Australia Has Several New Dragon Lizard Species—and One May Already Be Extinct. Smithsonian Mag 23/05/2019.
- New 'dragon' species may already be extinct. National Geographic 22/05/2019.
- New species of endangered lizard found. The Canberra Times 22/05/2019.
- Scraps of DNA Are Helping Scientists Track Down Nature's Most Elusive Creatures. Earther 26/03/2018.
- Calls for an end to protected status for sugar gliders. The Mercury 13/03/2018.
- Sugar gliders an invasive species in Tasmania, scientists find. Australian Geographic 05/02/2018.
- Tasmania’s not so sweet invader: the sugar glider. CSIROscope 02/02/2018.
- UC led-study identifies not so sweet Tasmanian invader. University of Canberra Monitor 02/02/2018.
- UC-led study identifies not so sweet Tasmanian invader (video). Australian Science Media Centre 01/02/2018.
- Pest animal poo identification system in researchers sights. Queensland Country Life 11/11/2016.
- Animal droppings key to protecting endangered species. University of Canberra Monitor 11/11/2016.
- Implications of uncertain taxonomy for conservation management: case studies on bandicoots and gliders - a presentation by Steve Cooper at the NRM Science Conference 2016 (Adelaide), discussing our work on Isoodon bandicoots 15/04/2016.
- Parrots versus possums. Catalyst, ABC TV 20/10/2015, featuring work by PhD student Catriona Campbell.
- Fox fright on Kangaroo Island. The Islander 02/04/2015.
- Tasmania’s fox hunt was worth it, even if there were no foxes. The Conversation 24/03/2015.
- Predator Scat Survey. Catalyst, ABC TV 27/11/2014.
- Foxes in Tasmania: a closer look at DNA analyses of predator scats. Institute for Applied Ecology 05/05/2014.
- Second great poo hunt. The Examiner 08/01/2014.
- Volunteers urged to assist with Great Poo Hunt scat collection for vital wildlife cause. The Mercury 08/01/2014.
- DNA sequencing reveals Garden Island’s inbred wallabies. Science Network Western Australia 25/11/2013.
- Startling genetic similarity in tammar wallabies. 25/11/2013.
- My collaborator Brian Chambers wrote a blog about our tammar wallaby population genetics paper 08/11/2013.
- New science minister visits UC. Monitor Online 10/04/2013.
- Fox invasion threatens wave of extinction, UC research finds. Monitor Online 05/12/2012.
- New UC labs to help conserve Australian wildlife. Monitor Online 03/09/2010.
- Greens MLA tours health and ecology facilities. Monitor Online 25/03/2009.