Anna MacDonaldI'm a biologist with interests in genetics, conservation, ecology, invasive species, and wildlife management. Archives
May 2019
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It’s Friday, and nearly the end of the month. Think back over the last week, the last few weeks. Have you been a science grouch? I know I have. Perhaps you’ve complained about the lack of job opportunities in science? Your paper got bad reviews? Your sequencing failed? Or something else…? If I look back, honestly, I am confident that I must have had conversations almost every day this month, in real life or on Twitter, that have involved some sort of science grouchiness.
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Click here to read the full post at WildlifeSNPits:
Earlier this year I spent two weeks walking in picturesque Tasmania, eyes fixed firmly to the floor, looking for poo to collect. Other times I’ve searched beneath rocks in high country paddocks for endangered lizards, or driven over 400 kms with a cargo of wallaby sperm destined for our lab freezers. And I get paid to do this! When I meet new people they often comment on how interesting my work sounds, usually followed by “and how on earth did you end up doing that anyway?”. So in my first post for WildlifeSNPits I thought that, by way of introduction, I’d write about some of the things that have inspired me to follow this career path. Of course not all of us are excited by the same things, so I’d also like to learn about your sources of inspiration… |